People of Action

People of Action

NOTE. On this page, every club can highlight concise presentations of members, projects or project partners. If permitted by the people in question, it is possible to share these presentations in social media, too, e.g. on the club’s own Fb page. It’s always advisable to use pictures!

E.g. these themes could be presented:

  • Why I’m a Rotarian
  • In Australia everything was different. Teemu, an exchange student, returned being another man
  • Taru takes good care of club finances
  • A point of view written about a news theme. Theater Totti is an example from a couple of years back: if emphasizing some other aspects, it could also be used for ”What we do/Club projects”. But here we put more emphasis on factors promoting accessibility.

Model text:



Meeting information

Kuopion Klubi
Kuninkaankatu 10
70100 Kuopio

Wednesdays from 11.30-13.00

Upcoming Events

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